An Airstream is often considered to be better than a white box trailer for several reasons:

1.    Iconic design: As mentioned earlier, Airstreams have a distinctive and classic design that is instantly recognizable. White box trailers, on the other hand, are often mass-produced with little attention to design.

2.    Durability: Airstreams are built to last, with a solid aluminum shell that is less prone to leaks and rot than other types of RVs, including white box trailers. Airstreams are also known for their quality construction and attention to detail.

3.    Better resale value: Airstreams have a reputation for holding their value well over time, while white box trailers can depreciate quickly. This means that if you decide to sell your Airstream in the future, you can often recoup a significant portion of your investment.

4.    Better insulation: Airstreams are designed with high-quality insulation that helps to keep the interior comfortable in extreme temperatures. White box trailers may not have the same level of insulation, which can make them less comfortable to use in hot or cold weather.

5.    Easier to tow: Airstreams are designed to be aerodynamic and streamlined, which makes them easier to tow than many white box trailers. This can be especially important if you are planning to travel long distances or through challenging terrain.

Overall, while there are many different types of trailers on the market, Airstreams are often considered to be a step above white box trailers in terms of design, durability, resale value, insulation, and towing ease.